In many countries it is known as icing, due to the way in which the tree grows, hanging from its leaves, they are grouped in the form of clusters, rounded in shape, presents colors that vary between purple to red, sweet in taste.

The cherry tree is cultivated in very few parts of the world due to its sensitivity to climatic factors, including rain, frost, wind, hail, among others.

Most of the world’s producing countries are located in the northern hemisphere: the US, Canada, various European nations, including Turkey, and in asian countries like Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Japan and China, the latter being the main market of our country.

In Chile, in the regions of Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins and Maule there is more than 80% of the country’s cherry tree surface, which are harvested between the months of October and December.


Cherries are a great disinfectant, a powerful cleanser, they are energetic, laxative and regenerative of organic tissues.

Rich in vitamins A, C and E, potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid and fiber.

Thanks to its high content of melatonin, it helps to prevent memory loss and contributes to regulating heart rate and sleep cycles.

Its large portion of sugar makes it easily assimilated and is advisable for elderly children, and can always be taken with permission from doctors, by diabetics.

  • Main varieties

    Santina, Lapins, Bing, Regina

  • Own hectares


  • Annual harvest

    +7000 tons

  • Harvesting regions

    Metropolitan Region – VI – VII – VII

  • Main destinations

    China, USA

Varieties and months of harvest

Contact info

Geofrut Rancagua Offices
Longitudinal Sur km 78 Rancagua
+56-72 - 2977640  

Santiago Centeral Office
Av Santa Clara 301, Oficina 4804-4805, Ciudad Empresarial Huechuraba
+562 - 29297510

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